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Precise engineering using the latest energy efficient LED technology with a built-in reflector for superior optics; An appealing cylindrical profile perfect for accent and wall wash lighting.Aluminum Die-Cast construction, available in a multitude of beam angles, color temperature, and finishes.Energy Star rated, and CEC Title 24 Compliant.ANSI compliant warm/neutral LED bins, for the finest color consistency possible.Smooth and continuous dimming through 0-10V or ELV(120V). Universal driver (120V-220V-277V).High Powered Replaceable LED: Rated Life: 80,000 hours, CRI: Up to 90, available in a variety of beam distributions and color temperatures. Luminaire will maintain 70% or more of initial light output at the end of rated life.Standards: IP65 rated, ETL & cETL wet location listed.
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