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We are working on getting Sonneman Lighting Grapes - 3 LED Round Assorted Pendant-3.75 Inches Tall back in stock as soon as possible.
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A precisely crafted metal hemisphere with an infiinity wave captures a crystal semisphere through which LED illumination is projected. Grown in three sizes and two finishes, Grapes offers broad variety and infinite possibilities to provide spectacular illumination to spaces from the most intimate to the most vast. The polished chrome variety of Grapes features a faceted interior on its solid clear crystal, providing sparkling illumination that changes with the point of view. Seen from the middle or above, the crystal appears clear with a subtle luminance. Moving below, the crystal facets become increasingly apparent, refracting the light into a dazzling radiance. The satin nickel vareity of Grapes features a crystal hemisphere with a white interior, radiating diffused, omnidirectional illumination, with a halo of clear crystal along its perimeter.
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